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Placebo Tour 2025

March 12, 2025 -

Right now, the Placebo tickets became available for everybody.

The biggest music event won’t pass you by and you will be able to savor it at the fullest! Our online platform is the best place for finding the best tickets. On our website you will find exclusive ticket offers.

Everybody’s favorite band is already causing a lot of ruckus and sparking interest from lovers of quality music. It is on everybody’s radar right now. Every concert sees a huge number of fans gather around the stage in anticipation of a wonderful experience. Only the biggest venues get the chance to host these fantastic events. Thousands of people will be gathering around just to witness a star performing on stage.

We are sure that here you will find tickets for the best price. You can also choose tickets based on your seat preferences. Just follow the Placebo schedule carefully and make sure to book your tickets in advance. You can see for yourself how convenient it is to use our website.

A live concert of your favorite band is a special event that cannot be experienced anywhere else. A lot of people are eager to see a Placebo concert at least once and get the truly amazing experience. This is why fans of quality music prefer going to big concerts and booking the best spots in order not to lose any detail of the show. It is very easy to navigate our website and find the necessary information about the concerts and dates.

You can check the ticket availability for your hometown concert right now! On our website you will find all the information regarding to the Placebo 2025 tour and other concert details.

Placebo Tickets 2025

    Placebo VIP Packages 2025

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      About Placebo

      A placebo ( plÉ™-SEE-boh) is a substance or treatment which is designed to have no therapeutic value. Common placebos include inert tablets (like sugar pills), inert injections (like saline), sham surgery, and other procedures.

      In general, placebos can affect how patients perceive their condition and encourage the body's chemical processes for relieving pain and a few other symptoms, but have no impact on the disease itself. Improvements that patients experience after being treated with a placebo can also be due to unrelated factors, such as regression to the mean (a natural recovery from the illness). The use of placebos in clinical medicine raises ethical concerns, especially if they are disguised as an active treatment, as this introduces dishonesty into the doctor–patient relationship and bypasses informed consent. While it was once assumed that this deception was necessary for placebos to have any effect, there is now evidence that placebos can have effects even when the patient is aware that the treatment is a placebo.

      In drug testing and medical research, a placebo can be made to resemble an active medication or therapy so that it functions as a control; this is to prevent the recipient or others from knowing (with their consent) whether a treatment is active or inactive, as expectations about efficacy can influence results. In a clinical trial any change in the placebo arm is known as the placebo response, and the difference between this and the result of no treatment is the placebo effect. Some researchers now recommend comparing the experimental treatment with an existing treatment when possible, instead of a placebo.

      The idea of a placebo effect—a therapeutic outcome derived from an inert treatment—was discussed in 18th century psychology but became more prominent in the 20th century. An influential 1955 study entitled The Powerful Placebo firmly established the idea that placebo effects were clinically important, and were a result of the brain's role in physical health. A 1997 reassessment found no evidence of any placebo effect in the source data, as the study had not accounted for regression to the mean.