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Agent Orange Tour 2025

February 8, 2025 -

The tickets for Agent Orange concerts are already available.

Every fan will get a chance to experience the amazing performance of their favorite musician. If you are looking for cheap tickets then you have found yourself in the right place. On our website you will find exclusive ticket offers.

This year has been incredible for Agent Orange and their latest tour is the proof of that. There is plenty of evidence for that. First of all, every show keeps attracting hordes of fans and just connoisseurs of quality performances. Thousands of people are coming to huge concert halls and arenas just to see their favorite performer and listen to memorable hits. With us, it is not a problem getting a Agent Orange VIP package that includes only the best tickets.

Every Agent Orange concert is a unique event that does not disappoint. The live performances are truly unique and there are no gadgets capable of conveying the same level of energy and emotion. They won’t be able to get the same level of excitement and emotion from listening to a concert and just looking at the computer screen. With us it is easy to check the schedule of the concerts and find out about other important details.

We care about your preferences and here you will find the best tickets matching your needs. Moreover, you can choose your tickets based on seat preference. You can actually choose your ticket based on seat preference. Just check the concert schedule and decide what the best spot to see and hear everything is!

With us, you won’t miss the performance of your favorite band at your hometown. We provide tickets at very competitive rates. Here you will find the Agent Orange 2024 tour dates and all the details related to their live shows.

Agent Orange Tickets 2025

    Agent Orange VIP Packages 2025

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      About Agent Orange

      Agent Orange is an herbicide and defoliant chemical, one of the "tactical use" Rainbow Herbicides. It is widely known for its use by the U.S. military as part of its chemical warfare program, Operation Ranch Hand, during the Vietnam War from 1961 to 1971. It is a mixture of equal parts of two herbicides, 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D. In addition to its damaging environmental effects, traces of dioxin (mainly TCDD, the most toxic of its type) found in the mixture have caused major health problems for many individuals who were exposed.

      Up to four million people in Vietnam were exposed to the defoliant. The government of Vietnam says as many as three million people have suffered illness because of Agent Orange, and the Red Cross of Vietnam estimates that up to one million people are disabled or have health problems as a result of Agent Orange contamination. The United States government has described these figures as unreliable, while documenting higher cases of leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and various kinds of cancer in exposed US military veterans. An epidemiological study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that there was an increase in the rate of birth defects of the children of military personnel as a result of Agent Orange. Agent Orange has also caused enormous environmental damage in Vietnam. Over 3,100,000 hectares (31,000 km2 or 11,969 mi2) of forest were defoliated. Defoliants eroded tree cover and seedling forest stock, making reforestation difficult in numerous areas. Animal species diversity sharply reduced in contrast with unsprayed areas.

      The use of Agent Orange in Vietnam resulted in numerous legal actions. The United Nations ratified United Nations General Assembly Resolution 31/72 and the Environmental Modification Convention. Lawsuits filed on behalf of both U.S. and Vietnamese veterans sought compensation for damages.

      Agent Orange was first used by the British Armed Forces in Malaya during the Malayan Emergency. It was also used by the US military in Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War because forests near the border with Vietnam were used by the Viet Cong. The herbicide was also used in Brazil to clear out sections of land for agriculture.